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It doesn't have to be something you see---it could be a scent---perhaps of freshly baked bread wafting out of someone's house, or it could be the sound of the breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees, or the way the morning light catches one autumn leaf as it falls gently to the ground.


That fresh, comforting scent wafting throughout your room will see you off into a peaceful night's sleep.


Then I see a slice of sunlight, wafting through the clouds.


That fresh, comforting scent wafting throughout your room will see you off into a peaceful night's sleep.


A contraptionthat resembles a goldfish bowl, called LeWhaf, is wafting smoke of lemon tart flavour, which is being sampled by a food expert.


She has also tried wafting the smell of cinnamon rolls up the stairs and throwing dog treats on to her daughter's bed to get the pet pooch to jump on her and stir her from her sleep.

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Fragments of conversation are wafting past as I flick between my bulging email inbox, the book and various online news sites as well as Facebook and Twitter.

Magic Snowball Time

Sometimes, we'd all swear that we'd smelled the peppermint, candy cane, gingerbread house and poinsettia fragrances of Christmas wafting out of that hole.

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