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Wielding your own knife saves you more than a dollar and you wind up with more.


Peter Sutherland, a globetrotting Irishman who pulled off one of the biggest multilateral trade agreements, wielding an auctioneer's gavel to secure the "Uruguay Round" in 1994, has died.


Earlier this month, a man wielding two machetes attacked soldiers at Paris's Louvre Museum.


Part of the puzzle comes from the fact that babies are, in other ways, sponges for new information, forming 700 new neural connections every second and wielding language-learning skills to make the most accomplished polyglot green with envy.


" She found a match with a man wearing overalls and wielding a hammer in his profile photo and invited him over to install her air conditioning.


A manager wielding a big ego is the most likely to alienate his or her employees.


Wielding a long punting pole ?

今夏最In自拍神棍 拍好照片无压力

While the selfie stick's origins seem to come from the extreme sports community — mostly Go-Pro users — the trend is quickly spreading to the everyday, smartphone wielding populace.


Many are spoofs on real movies and show James wielding a light saber, entering the Matrix, and scaling a wall like Batman.

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