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It is said that there is a small religious group,whose members cut their hair clean and wear wigs and leather shoes.


Both men and women kept their hair shaved, and wore wigs on their bald heads.


Bitain's lawyers and judges are to break with centuries-old tradition and cease wearing white horse-hair wigs in non-criminal cases, the head of the country's judiciary announced on Thursday.

万物简史 第36期:走进太阳系(14)

They're watching the French Revolution and Thomas Jefferson and people in silk stockings and powdered wigs 、·、 people who don't know what an atom is, or a gene, , and who make their electricity by rubbing a rod of amber with a piece of fur and think that's quite a trick.


Wigs have been an emblem of the British legal system since the 17th century when the fashion for wearing them in wider society filtered through to the courts.


You delight in disguise and in dramatic makeovers; wigs and false eyelashes are some of the tools of your cosmetic trade.

安徒生童话英文版:The Old Bachelor’s Nightcap

The clerks were almost all old boys; but they did not dress as we are accustomed to see old men represented, wearing wigs, nightcaps, and knee-breeches, and with coat and waistcoat buttoned up to the chin.

威廉·莎士比亚-4 伦敦的新生活

I ran all over London to buy the best hair for the wigs.

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