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,,~Mango Glutinous Rice Ball (Mango glutinous rice ball),,(desiccated coconut).


Glutinous rice ball Glutinous rice ball, or tang yuan, is the main food for China's Lantern Festival.


In south China, It is customary to eat "niangao" (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher every year".


Eating small dumpling balls Just as the name implies, an important part of the Lantern Festival, or Yuan Xiao Festival, is to eat small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour.


Chinese people also eat yuan xiao, a traditional food made of glutinous rice flour which symbolizes family togetherness and reunion.


(:) Glutinous Rice Cake — a Higher Income or Position —— In Chinese, glutinous rice cake ( Niángāo /nyen-gaoww/) sounds like it means "'getting higher year-on- by year"'.


In places such as Shanghai, people eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour to celebrate Winter Solstice.


Other places in North China replace glutinous rice with glutinous yellow millet, and these days, some folks replace white glutinous rice with purple rice.


Besides watching lanterns, it is also a day to appreciate the full moon, solve lantern riddles, watch art performances and eat tang yuan, dumpling balls made of glutinous rice, usually with sweet fillings.


Chinese people also eat yuan xiao, a traditional food made of glutinous rice flour which symbolizes family togetherness and reunion.


Firstly,as the story goes, it was evolved from the custom of presenting the elderly glutinous rice cakes to show their respect.


Most of these are traditional Japanese food, including rice balls, tomato fish, curry noodles, mountain vegetables, beans, glutinous rice, and sweets.


Firstly,as the story goes, it was evolved from the custom of presenting the elderly glutinous rice cakes to show their respect.


Er kuai spicy chicken, Yunnan , This dish is little known outside of Yunnan province but Chinese foodies rave about er kuai, a savory rice cake made of glutinous rice paste that is steamed and then cut into small cubes and stir fried with fresh chili peppers and tender morsels of deep fried chicken.


In south China, It is customary to eat "niangao" (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher every year".


The steamed sweets are made of glutinous rice flour, brown sugar, and oil.


Jiao-zi, a steamed dumpling, is popular in the north, while southerners favor a sticky sweet glutinous rice pudding called nian gao.


The crust is made of frozen glutinous rice, and looks snow white.


One activity that occurs during these get togethers (especially in the southern parts of China and in Chinese communities overseas) is the making and eating of Tangyuan or balls of glutinous rice, which symbolize reunion.


tsung-tse Glutinous rice filled with meat, nuts or bean paste and wrapped in bamboo leaves.

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