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They remain clumsy, hard-headed, goofy and immature for a long time.


They remain clumsy, hard-headed, goofy and immature for a long time.

关于女生 你必须知道的八件事

Most girls find these kinds of guys as simply immature.

情人节过去了 你还在相亲吗?

"I was not in the mood to meet anyone, but my mom called me a weirdo, saying I was immature, unsociable and too picky.


Immature woman will spend their parents' money;Mature woman will spend their own money or the man's money.

Growth 成长

When it first shoots up out of the earth, we don't condemn it as immature and underdeveloped, nor do we criticize the buds for not being open when they appear.


'Monica starting acting immature when she was with Chandler.


She doesn't just "complete me" she came into my life when l was young and immature, completed me and then made me so much better of a person.


" "I regret that I married the wrong woman, that I was immature and naive and too eager to find A woman vs.

乔布斯传 第4期:前言(4)

Shakespeare's Henry V—the story of a willful and immature prince who becomes a passionate but sensitive, callous but sentimental, inspiring but flawed king—begins with the exhortation 《》——、、——: "O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention.


Instead, they will see you as unpredictable, immature, and lacking in good judgment.


Most girls find these kinds of guys as simply immature.


But psychological vulnerability - such as when the women were immature or unintelligent - resulted in them being given a higher rating, according to the study by researchers at Texas-Austin University.


Instead, they will see you as uNPRedictable, immature, and lacking in good judgment.


But in utero, the immature fetus's brain has yet to construct the REM-sleep muscle-inhibiting system adults have in place.


They remain clumsy, hard-headed, goofy and immature for a long time.


"It makes you look immature and naive," he says.


We start as a fertilized egg; become an embryo consisting of immature, undifferentiated cells; then gradually develop into a body of specialist cells, including blood, bone, muscle and skin.


She doesn't just "complete me" she came into my life when l was young and immature, completed me and then made me so much better of a person.


Those relationships are immature, and whatever you thought you experienced wasn't love.

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