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绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER I

Rachel felt that she had received a severe mental jolt.


Any sudden jolt or shock might be fatal.


To find out, China has been conducting the world's largest experiment and the results are transforming agricultural production in the world's most populous nation with a jolt.


The extra 10 minutes you get by snoozing can actually help to gently awaken the mind, rather than jolt it back to wakefulness,' he says.


Waking up in the morning is tough, and sometimes an alarm clock just isn't enough to jolt you out of a blissful slumber.


You probably count on your daily jolt of caffeine to wake up your brain and stay sharp all day long.


It amounts to, in the words of Leonhardt's headline, a jolt of blue-collar hope.


For example, loud noises can jolt you from a sound sleep or light peeking through the shades can wake you.


2 Stretch 2 Lack of multidirectional joint looseness, otherwise known as "joint play" makes it much easier for joints to be traumatised by an incidental jolt during daily life.


Talented host team France may lack experience, but will get a jolt from the home crowds.


, is also expected to introduce other iPhones this year, which could give sales a fresh jolt.


The People's Bank of China announced yesterday it would cut the share of customer deposits banks are required to hold in reserve, injecting a jolt of liquidity into its banking system.


Yet this doesn't necessarily reflect the jolt of the wake-up call.


Is it the jolt that takes you from sleep to dread, as you bound from bed to crib at 2 a.


China's policy loosening came a day after the European Central Bank said it could give a bigger policy jolt to the economy as soon as December to fight falling prices.


Besides that jolt, caffeine can also offer a laxativeeffect for some people.


Apple and Google have given the car industry a jolt.


It is the same thing present in coffee which gives you that morning jolt.


The program to try to jolt the European economy out of its doldrums that Mario Draghi unveiled Thursday is several months late, timid compared with its counterparts in the United States and Japan, and full of complexity aimed at satisfying his political constituents.


economy finally got a big jolt of energy in 2014 after the lamest recovery since World War II.

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