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This extends my previous point which mentioned that if you're thin, you're statistically likely to be rich.


For people who got less sleep, the risk of disease and death rose gradually, but not enough to be statistically significant.


Instead, they were validated using a computer program that determined they were statistically likely to be planets.


In order to reach their conclusions, a team of statisticians analysed a random sample of over 500 of the most successful individuals from 11 different career groups to identify statistically significant patterns.


" These findings, therefore, implied that there is "very weak evidence for the beauty premium, and it disappeared completely once individual differences, such as health, intelligence, and Big Five personality factors, were statistically controlled.


8 percent, but the difference compared to free patches and the like was not statistically meaningful.

万物简史 第35期:走进太阳系(13)

Still, statistically the probability that there are other thinking beings out there is good.


The difference was not statistically significant.


For women the increased risk of television watching was just 11 percent - but when they examined the figures they found this was not statistically significant.


Even for males, the differences between particular groups of rats and the control group were not statistically significant.


Dehydration is something that plagues the majority of people; even if you are not experiencing symptoms of dehydration, you can still easily be dehydrated and, statistically, you probably are.


" Earlier research has shown that men with male pattern baldness are also statistically more likely to suffer from heart disease and prostate cancer, though the added risk is slight.


Dehydration is something that plagues the majority of people; even if you are not experiencing symptoms of dehydration, you can still easily be dehydrated and, statistically, you probably are.


They also found a statistically significant, but weaker, correlation between people's genes for BMI and actual BMI in partners: People had actively chosen partners with similar genes to themselves, the team reports today in Nature Human Behaviour.


A sample size of nine may not be statistically significant, but statistics aren't the ones who have to sleep in someone else's back sweat in one hotel stay of every three.


Statistically, the rear of the aircraft is safer and aisle seats will allow you to get out of the aircraft quickly.


"The incidence of air terrorism is statistically insignificant but psychologically significant because it's so terrifying," he said.


"Statistically China is a very important trade partner of Kazakhstan.


The study also revealed small, but statistically significant drops in the levels of bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides.


According to their Indiegogo page, "The amount, concentration, and ratio of each compound in Go Cubes were significantly drawn from double-blind, peer-reviewed journal studies that statistically demonstrate the compound's efficacy and safety.

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