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unar mission due by year's end "" Chang'e 5, the next mission in China's lunar exploration program, will demonstrate and test the country's technological and engineering capabilities in space, according to a key figure in the project.


"For these groups, it may be more important to adopt a smartwatch for technological or health reasons rather than because of an appreciation for 'timeless timepieces.


Study co-author Lior Shamir, of Lawrence Technological University in Michigan, said: 'The change in lyrics sentiments does not necessarily reflect what the musicians and songwriters wanted to express, but is more related to what music consumers wanted to listen to in each year.


When you reflect on how far we humans have come from the prehistoric caves to mind-blowing technological advancements, you would feel the power of imagination.


Technological progress in every field means your life should be dramatically better than ours today.


" On the benefits of his technological ineptitude:"Intelligent people need a fool to lead them.


" The new Ice Cube will get a technological upgrade as well, with a system monitoring the interior temperature, humidity, and lighting.


But both sides will "cool down" because of the meetings, said Collin Koh, a maritime security research fellow at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.


None of the new phones were making huge technological leaps from last year, either.


The satellites -- one from ZeroG Lab, a privately owned satellite maker in Beijing, and two from ADA-Space, a private firm in Chengdu specializing in satellite design and data services -- would travel in sub-orbit for an undisclosed period of time for technological demonstration and would then fall back to the land to be recovered, the company said in a statement.

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yale's david gelernter, a professor of computer science, has argued convincingly that "lust for beauty" has driven the great technological discoveries.


Starbucks executives have come under scrutiny for being slow to adapt to technological shifts and retail trends in the country, namely delivery.


The country's push to become a technological powerhouse has created a wave of promising A.

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Bottleneck in technological innovation, product homogeneity and lower replacement ratio have resulted in shipment decline.


" "We believe that the creation of a new legal platform for the exploration of near-Earth and deep space is crucial to keep pace with humanity's rapid technological and scientific expansion off-planet.

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However, it could also be down to people spending more time on technological devices instead of reading books.


There are many advantages that people take advantage of this modern scientific and technological product—Internet.


Westlake University will be a new type of research-oriented university, with emphasis on basic and advanced scientific and technological research.

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Having transformed from a follower into a potential leader, China is catching up fast in technological innovation, said Wang Yiming, deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council.


The American oil boom is being helped by technological advances, improved efficiency and a moderate increase in oil prices that has made shale drilling cost effective.

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