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In the quest to fight obesity, scientists are looking at an intriguing question: Is it possible for adults to lose weight by having more baby fat?

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Professor John Gunstad, of Kent State University, Ohio, said the research showed obesity can damage the brain, 'especially the parts most important for paying attention and learning new things'.


That might contribute to the current obesity problem in America–people like the taste of different foods and keep eating even after they have had enough.


Scientists believe they have identified a 'good' fat tissue that helps burn calories and may lead to new treatments for obesity.


Such common-sense health advice has proved no match against the temptations of modern life, which have sent obesity rates around the world soaring.

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This is a combination of the values of six variables: diastolic and systolic blood pressure; the concentrations of three stress-related hormones; and the body-mass index, a measure of obesity.

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Yesterday experts criticised the failure to identify the youngster's problem earlier and said the authorities should do more to monitor obesity in pre-school years.


The participants were then assessed for obesity at 15.


Previous studies have linked the sedentary habit of TV watching among children to obesity and diabetes, and another study in the same journal cited the poor nutritional content of the overwhelming majority of food products advertised on the top-rated US.


Recent studies suggest that vegetarianism may be associated with lower cholesterol(4), reduced risk of obesity and heart disease.


In both instances, the result is obesity.


Dairy products provide 18 percent of the total energy and 25 percent of the total fat intake in the diets of American children, who are developing increasing rates of obesity, it said.


And if you don't believe Mom, a growing body of studies shows that a good meal in the morning can help your body prepare for the day to come, and lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.


Christakis and colleague James Fowler of the University of California San Diego are best known for their studies that show obesity, smoking and happiness spread in networks.


The same team that demonstrated obesity and smoking spread in networks has shown that the more happy people you know, the more likely you are yourself to be happy.


Many studies have linked obesity to watching television and that link is likely due to inactivity, Hirsch said.


4、 According to the CDC, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years.

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