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" He was previously married to Lisa Marie Presley for almost four months in 2002, and to Patricia Arquette for five years.

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Tickets, previously only available to Brazilian residents online, are now on sale at two shopping mall outlets in Rio.


Similarly, researchers have previously found that women who were told they were "too fat" as children were more likely to be obese as adults — even if they were of normal weight to begin with as children.


" As we have previously noted, beautiful people have it easier in many ways: They tend to be better paid, more confident, and better liked — even by the tiniest of humans.


Further setting its sights beyond China, Alibaba also previously set a deal for Korean action title, Real.


The company previously launched major iPhone upgrades every two years.


Edward Chan, banking partner at Linklaters, said: "Previously it would have taken a trained junior lawyer an average of 12 minutes to search a single customer name.


Previously, Abu-Sitta and his staff were trying to help overseas surgeons by sending them audio recordings, photos and X-rays using the online messenger WhatsApp.


Amber previously admitted she likes to date both men and women.


" It is unclear to what extent the funding targets acknowledged this week are new or previously budgeted and approved projects.


Migrant workers previously had to send their children back to their hometowns to take the exam, even though the children attended high school in the cities where their parents worked.


Now a study suggests the line may be even more blurred than previously thought.


"Two years ago there hadn't been a single new law or regulation passed in the world around ride-sharing," said David Plouffe, an Uber board adviser who was previously campaign manager for President Barack Obama of the US.


Previously, Tencent had subsidised the transfers by absorbing the associated bank transaction fees rather than passing them on to users.


So he decided to create an automatic appeal generator, using previously successful letters as a template.


Humans want to walk on the forbidden path, and there are chances that we can get attracted to people who have raised our blood pressure previously.


Heineken said it expected an 80m currency hit on full-year operating profits — up from 60m — and a 50m hit to net profits, previously 35m.


Renowned chef Matt Moran, who owns some of Sydney's leading restaurants, previously wrote an article for The Daily Telegraph to discuss his experience cooking alpaca meat.


Meanwhile, a few pleasant surprises appeared in the FDI figures of previously struggling emerging Europe.


Many passengers had expressed concern at being forced to stand where previously they would have chosen to dash up the stairs, but TfL have addressed those fears ahead of this latest experiment.

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