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格林童话英文版:The Willow-Wren

From that day forth, the owl has never dared to show herself by daylight, for if she does the other birds chase her and pluck her feathers out.

格林童话英文版:The Story of Schlauraffen Land

In the time of Schlauraffen I went forth and saw Rome and the lateran hanging by a small silken thread, and a man without feet who outran a swift horse, and a keen sharp sword that cut through a bridge.

格林童话英文版:The Three Apprentices

They went forth, and met on the way a richly-dressed man who asked who they were.

格林童话英文版:The Seven Swabians

Wade through the water," and because he was in front, he set forth and began walking into the Mosel.

格林童话英文版:The Little Peasant

He was led forth, and a priest was brought who was to say a mass for his soul.

格林童话英文版:Herr Korbes

And you little wheels, roll on, and you little mice pipe out, as we go forth on our way to the house of Herr Korbes.

格林童话英文版:The Elves (one more story)

From that time forth they came no more, but as long as the shoemaker lived all went well with him, and all his efforts prospered.

格林童话英文版:Cat and Mouse in Partnership

From this time forth no one invited the cat to be god-mother, but when the winter had come and there was no longer anything to be found outside, the mouse thought of their provision, and said, "Come cat, we will go to our pot of fat which we have stored up for ourselves -- we shall enjoy that.

格林童话英文版:The Three Green Twigs

Once when he had gone from door to door from morning till night, and no one had given himanything, and no one would shelter him for the night, he went forth into a forest, and at last founda cave which someone had made, and an old woman was sitting in it.

格林童话英文版:Maid Maleen

They wandered forth to seek another country, but nowhere did they find a shelter, or a human being to give them a mouthful of bread, and their need was so great that they were forced to appease their hunger with nettles.

格林童话英文版:The Crystal Ball

When the youth went to the enchanter and held it before him, the latter said, "My power is destroyed, and from this time forth thou art the King of the Castle of the Golden Sun.

格林童话英文版:The Drummer

But when you are lying down and sleeping, they will come forth from every thicket, and creep up to you.

格林童话英文版:The Master-Thief

" The arch-thief took leave of his parents, once more went forth into the wide world, and no one has ever heard of him since.

格林童话英文版:The Spindle, The Shuttle, and The Needle

Then he gave her a kiss, led her forth, lifted her on to his horse, and took her to the royal castle, where the wedding was solemnized with great rejoicings.

格林童话英文版:The True Sweetheart

It shook its branches, and sent forth their fragrance.

格林童话英文版:The Nix of the Mill-Pond

As he was stepping over the mill-dam the first sunbeam was just breaking forth, and he heard a rippling sound in the pond.

格林童话英文版:The Goose-Girl at the Well

Then he divided the kingdom between the two elder, but caused a sack of salt to be bound on the back of the youngest, and two servants had to lead her forth into the wild forest.

格林童话英文版:Strong Hans

When the stick was ready, he left his father's house, went forth, and came to a deep, dark forest.

格林童话英文版:The Griffin

Early in the morning, he went forth on his way, and directly afterwards the little shabby-looking man in his icy clothes, came to him and asked what he was carrying in the basket.

格林童话英文版:The Glass Coffin

Flamesof fire shot forth, after which followed a great smoke, which hid the stagfrom his sight.

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