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印尼索普坦火山喷发 火山灰柱高达7500米

He said in anticipation of hot ash and lava sliding down the volcano's slopes, local residents have been urged to avoid activities near the mountain.


The 110-foot long structure, an oblique concrete slab that looks like a sunken periscope, was submerged in July 2018 and work is now underway to complete the interiors, in anticipation of the public opening in spring 2019.


Single mothers, elegant divorcées, spinster aunts, bored housewives, daughters, wilting violets … all in anxious anticipation as to whether the shoe will fit, fit them alone, that the prince from the fairy tale is meant for them.


Another reason we listen to the same songs over and over could be because of something called the "anticipation phase.


My husband asked me to go to the post office to mail his resume in anticipation of a job interview.


The maker of the 911 sports car would join a raft of companies working on designs for flying cars in anticipation of a shift in the transport market toward self-driving vehicles and on-demand digital mobility services.


It seems the price of ivory has dropped in anticipation of the ban; many analysts believe it will soon drop further.


About 90 percent of the plants were grown and tended to in a suburban greenhouse for years in anticipation for their permanent home in The Spheres.


The book has 10 chapters, each highlighting a human emotion such as loneliness, anticipation or joy.


We opened two stores and lines were out the door in anticipation of Starbucks coming to the market but before we opened the stores, I gathered the 50 young people who would embrace the green apron and represent the company.


Anticipation about a new possible SEZ - where the local authorities have more freedom to make their own economic rules to appeal to domestic and foreign investors - had been bubbling for months.


A hush fell in anticipation of the world's greatest swordsman.


Today, a range of investment firms including Blackstone, Farallon, KKR, SSG and Clearwater Capital are circling in anticipation of a wave of asset sales as the burden of US dollar debt rises for many companies, particularly in Southeast Asia.


To ramp up the anticipation, all eight "Harry Potter" films were screened at last June's Shanghai International Film Festival.


The NSSF was set up in 2000 in anticipation that struggling provinces in the north-east rust-belt would need help to meet their pension commitments.


Sometimes, when a musician takes a longbreak from making music, their older work remains at the top of fans'playlists,who perhaps keep listening in anticipation of a follow-up.


It has been built in anticipation of the increase in foreign tourists and is being described by media in the country as 'Japan's secret weapon'.


" "They represent periods in the year when there's the anticipation or the opportunity for a new beginning, a new start, something different, a transition into a new period of life.


A caveman out on a hunt or a soldier on the front line needs the stress response in his body to have the energy to fight; the anticipation of the life-or-death experience puts his whole body into a state of red alert.


A caveman out on a hunt or a soldier on the front line needs the stress response in his body to have the energy to fight; the anticipation of the life-or-death experience puts his whole body into a state of red alert.

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