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万物简史 第18期:如何营造一个宇宙(10)

Had gravity been a trifle stronger, the universe itself might have collapsed like a badly erected tent, ,, without precisely the right values to give it the right dimensions and density and component parts.


Let me start by saying that 'team strategies' is by far the least important component of a youth basketball practice and in my opinion not necessary for players under the age of 10.

乔布斯传 第65期:苹果二代风暴(3)

Digital geeks like Wozniak paid little attention to something so analog and mundane, , but Jobs decided it was a key component.


This led to a rise in levels of another component of the immune system, a protein called IL-17.


Mango This colorful fruit provides the mineral silica, which is a component of connective tissue that helps to strengthen hair and promote its growth.


Friendship is both a source of pleasure and a component of good health.


" "Given we spend one third of our time in bed, getting a good night's sleep with your partner is a key component to a healthy life and happiness.


" The first component, krysos ("gold"), shows up in the biological term chrysalis.


"This is an inflection point for the company where China will become a much more important component of the financial results of Starbucks," Mr Schultz said, adding there would be "less dependence on the US business" in the future.


They provide omega-3 fatty acids, which can help keep your muscles strong; vitamin B12, which your body depends on to make red blood cells; and vitamin D, a crucial component of bone health, explains Lammersfeld.


"We worked out the molecular aspects of this tea component in the test tube and then tested it on a small number of people to see if it actually worked in human beings," explained Jack F.

iPhone X延迟上市导致苹果概念股下跌

Apple component suppliers took a share-price hit on Wednesday after the world's biggest technology company said that its $999 iPhone X would be launched later than expected.


And there's a fourth component that steals usernames and passwords from infected machines, possibly only so it can infect more machines.


Cooling for 12 hours then leads to the formation of hydrogen bonds between a starch component called amylose outside the rice grains, which converts them to an indigestible starch.


Cooling for 12 hours then leads to the formation of hydrogen bonds between a starch component called amylose outside the rice grains, which converts them to an indigestible starch.


" Trump has long heralded tax cuts, particularly on corporations, as a major component of his economic plan.


6 sq mile) zone is expected to eventually expand to 2,000 sq km - nearly three times the size of New York - and is a key component of a massive "mega-region" developing around Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.


All forms of anxiety showed a substantial genetic component, with DNA explaining over a third of the differences between people.


All forms of anxiety showed a substantial genetic component, with DNA explaining over a third of the differences between people.


Foresea quickly scaled the premium rankings of China's life insurance industry by selling so-called "universal insurance" products, which are essentially wealth management vehicles with a small protection component.

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