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Arrived at the dreadful place, he wormed his small body through the crowd and saw the dismal spectacle.


They buried the shingle close to the wall, with some dismal ceremonies and incantations, and the fetters that bound their tongues were considered to be locked and the key thrown away.


" Tom partly uncovered a dismal caricature of a house with two gable ends to it and a corkscrew of smoke issuing from the chimney.


He got it out, rumpled and wilted, and it mightily increased his dismal felicity.


Adding to my dismal sense of inadequacy was the repeated experience of seeing my sisters and friends go off to exciting dates.

Choose Optimism 选择乐观

Pessimism creates a dismal place where no one wants to live.

《新月集》第17期: 雨天

The palm trees in a row by the lake are smiting their heads against the dismal sky; the crows with their draggled wings are silent on the tamarind branches, and the eastern bank of the river is haunted by a deepening gloom.


I have heard several experts claim that presenteeism is now a bigger problem in the UK than absenteeism and could even help explain the country's dismal productivity growth.


His ultimate goal is to transform China, whose national side currently ranks a dismal 86th in Fifa's world rankings, below Armenia and Qatar, into a world-beating team capable of lifting the World Cup.


Still, Shanghai's dismal failure to popularize electric vehicles, despite a national auto policy to go electric--and generous subsidies for consumers--speaks to the immense challenges that China's leaders face in rolling out an ambitious program of economic overhauls approved at a Communist Party meeting this month.


For a while the Fed resisted that dismal prognosis.


Fortunately, Chris Evans was able to step away from his dismal role in Fantastic Four and be known as Captain America.


Adding to my dismal sense of inadequacy was the repeated experience of seeing my sisters and friends go off to exciting dates.


The chance of America changing that dismal ratio anytime soon, in other words, looks low; indeed, almost as low as changing the gun culture.


The FT office has four sides, three of which offer dismal views, while one looks out over the Thames to St Paul's.


A decade ago, investors would have slammed JPM's chief executive Jamie Dimon for such a dismal return.


Mark Twain, barely visible to the tiny audiences who stumbled into a mist-veiled London lecture hall to hear him talk about "roughing it," cut short that dismal effort.

通缩也许并不可怕 风险与机遇并存

This dismal economic policy and economic performance finds modern parallels, too — here, in the travails of the eurozone.

当音乐家去 The Bremen town musicians

It was not long before they came to a cat sitting in the road, looking as dismal as three wet days.


" When anything had to be done, it was always the elder who was forced to do it; but if his father bade him fetch anything when it was late, or in the night-time, and the way led through the churchyard, or any other dismal place, he answered "Oh, no, father, I'll not go there, it makes me shudder!

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