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Oh, how welcome, the widening of that dismal watery level, the gradual uplifting of the cloudy firmament, the slowly defining blackness of objects above the glassy dark!


Strange contrast, you may have thought, between the effect produced on us by these dismal remnants of commonplace houses, which in their best days were but the sign of a sordid life, belonging in all its details to our own vulgar era, and the effect produced by those ruins on the castled Rhine, which have crumbled and mellowed into such harmony with the green and rocky steeps that they seem to have a natural fitness, like the mountain-pine; nay, even in the day when they were built they must hav


Casaubon because he had such a great soul, and was so old and dismal and learned; and now, to think of marrying Mr.


She spoke her last words to the housekeeper in cheerful tones, and when she seated herself in the carriage her eyes were bright and her cheeks blooming under the dismal bonnet.


Dagley's homestead never before looked so dismal to Mr.


"This funeral seems to me the most dismal thing I ever saw.


" So the owl flew along through the dark, dismal woods, going slowly, and close to the ground so Buddy could follow, and pretty soon, the owl stopped in front of a hole in the side of a hill.


" The miserable Toad, crouching in the coal-dust, tried hard to think of something to do, with dismal want of success.


" So the dismal Mole, wet without and ashamed within, trotted about till he was fairly dry, while the Rat plunged into the water again, recovered the boat, righted her and made her fast, fetched his floating property to shore by degrees, and finally dived successfully for the luncheon-basket and struggled to land with it.


With a dismal sigh she went for the scissors.


But I forgot the flour and the cake was a dismal failure.


" That was a dismal morning.


There, there, child, don't look so dismal.


Valancy could still hear his dismal moans when she went calmly to sleep.


The sun had clouded over, and a dismal, drizzling rain was falling again.


The procession moved along the main avenue some three-quarters of a mile, and then groups and couples began to slip aside into branch avenues, fly along the dismal corridors, and take each other by surprise at points where the corridors joined again.


Each wandered away, from time to time, but the same dismal fascination always brought them back presently.


" Then there was a dispute about who saw the dead boys last in life, and many claimed that dismal distinction, and offered evidences, more or less tampered with by the witness; and when it was ultimately decided who did see the departed last, and exchanged the last words with them, the lucky parties took upon themselves a sort of sacred importance, and were gaped at and envied by all the rest.


Just at this point he met his soul's sworn comrade, Joe Harper—hard-eyed, and with evidently a great and dismal purpose in his heart.


The boy remained as dismal as a hearse.

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