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With her strong fingers she pressed them into the sand and tamped around them with her knuckles.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 22

My own accidental cut across the knuckles was a flea-bite.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 21

I snatched a cutlass from the pile, and someone, at the same time snatching another, gave me a cut across the knuckles which I hardly felt.


The chimps were measured both while walking upright and while moving on their legs and knuckles.

格林童话英文版:Master Pfriem

"I wonder," said he to himself, "that they have no knocker on the door, -- one knocks one's knuckles sore.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw:Twenty-Third Evening

That was the boy's favourite piece of furniture, but he dared not touch it, for if he meddled with it he got a rap on the knuckles.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Fourth Evening

The chandelier gave little leaps, the crowd got their knuckles rapped, and I, the Moon, was present at the performance from beginning to end.

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