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WaveNet however overcomes this problem, by using its neural network models to build an audio signal from the ground up, one sample at a time.


Patterned on the workings of the human brain, deep learning systems use multiple processing layers, like artificial neural networks, to filter data to reach their results.


Part of the puzzle comes from the fact that babies are, in other ways, sponges for new information, forming 700 new neural connections every second and wielding language-learning skills to make the most accomplished polyglot green with envy.


China has launched the country's first embedded neural network processing unit (NPU), marking one more major breakthrough in the country's NPU research and development.


'With evolutionary techniques, we evolve the neural networks of the robots,' explains Jacqueline Heinerman, PhD student at VU, in the video.


Google is working with Stanford University and University of Massachusetts in the US to enhance the natural language skills of an AI technique called recurrent neural network language model (RNNLM), which is used within machine translation and image captioning among other tasks.


Instead of performing varied activities that engage different neural systems (sport, knitting, painting, cooking, etc) to relieve our tedium, we fall back on the same screen-tapping schema for much of our day.


It did not have his genius or strategic insight; it relied on what are known as "deep neural networks", driven, once again, by processing power and data storage.


At DeepMind, engineers have created programs based on neural networks, modelled on the human brain.


Using this information, the team would teach a neural network — a computer system modelled on how layers of neurons in the brain interact — to place each image to a specific place.

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The more news we consume, the more we exercise the neural circuits devoted to skimming and multitasking while ignoring those used for reading deeply and thinking with profound focus.


Researcher Nina Kraus said the data strongly suggested that the neural connections made during musical training also enhanced the brain for other aspects of human communication.


Banana Eating a banana every day to ensure fetal neural development, supply folic acid and improve mood.

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Since bread and cereal were staples of their diets, folic acid was added to these foods – and as a result the rate of neural tube defects in infants has fallen significantly.


Imagine that we could extract the teacher's richer representation of a difficult concept and deliver it to his or her students in terms of neural activity.

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The first of more than 150 scientists will start work at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour at University College London next year, using state-of-the-art lasers, molecular biology and computational modelling to explore the brain's intricate wiring.


One study of 400 pensioners in New York showed their risk of neural decline was halved through activities such as sudoku, crosswords, visiting museums and playing a musical instrument.


This is most probably because the increase in neural activity weakens the fly's life-support systems, they speculated.


According to studies, within a decade they'll have nanobots that can crawl inside your brain and set up neural connections to replace damaged ones.

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