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Aravena has gained prominence in the profession: He's this year's director of the Venice Architecture Biennale and a former member of the Pritzker jury.


King first rose to prominence in 1955 when he led a successful boycott of the public buses in the southern city of Montgomery, Alabama, forcing the city to end its practice of segregating black passengers.


" The shift at Stanford is particularly important given its prominence in Silicon Valley and the large number of companies, including Yahoo and Google, founded by its students.


But it is especially warranted in India, whose émigrés have achieved great prominence in the US.


Hou, who first rose to prominence in the 1980s as a key figure in the New Taiwan Cinema movement.

2015两会政府工作报告 10个英文新词精析

Internet-based finance rose swiftly to prominence.

2014年最流行词语出炉 心形符号居首

The increasing prominence of the emoji or emoticon shows how symbols are making their way into the English language with the rise of the internet.


"Things are changing so quickly around LGBT prominence, respect and status in this county, (and) I suppose business is catching up," he says.


The P/E ratio, thrust into prominence during the 1930s by value investors Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, measures the amount of money investors are paying for a company's earnings.


Though France's run was cut short by a shocking group-stage exit at the 2002 World Cup (where Zidane was injured), this golden generation achieved a place of prominence and excellence that few have reached.

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