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According to Paris food historian Jim Chevallier, long, narrow breads similar to modern baguettes gained prominence in the 19th century, and the first official mention is in a 1920 price list.

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Bellbottoms rose to prominence among youth of the 1960s as an act of rebellion.


Her prominence in the Southern Song Dynasty unprecedentedly changed the male-dominated field of poetry.


Cao was initially a minor garrison commander and rose to prominence as a general when he suppressed the Yellow Turban Rebellion, which threatened the last years of Han rule.


A versatile skier who has won many national junior titles in the US, Gu shot to prominence last month after winning two golds and a silver – in halfpipe, Big Air and slopestyle – at her debut Winter Youth Olympics in Lausanne, Switzerland.


This list is full of potential first-time All-Stars, but Simmons feels almost certain given his excellence, the Sixers' prominence, and the East's dearth of stars.

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Curry openly sounded out the idea years ago of finishing his career in North Carolina, where he rose to prominence as a college basketball phenomenon.


was an abbreviation for the deliberately misspelled "orl korrect" (all correct), and the expression gained prominence in the mid-19th century.


Dalian Wanda rose to prominence as a property developer known for its mixed-use space exemplified in its Wanda Plazas, which combined shopping, dining and entertainment outlets with residential and office space.


But in the debate about our energy future, the theme of energy efficiency – called the "invisible fuel" by some – is taking on a new prominence.

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The phrase gained prominence in 2001 as the title of a Missy Elliott song.


) While the prominence of the Nobels makes them excellent publicity for the fields they honour—chemistry, physics and physiology or medicine, not forgetting the less scientific endeavours of economics, literature and peace—they miss out large swathes of science.


The phrase gained prominence in 2001 as the title of a Missy Elliott song.


The spotlight shifted to Google on Monday after it gave prominence in its search rankings to a false report claiming that Mr Trump had won the popular vote.


Daigou came to prominence in Europe by shipping luxury goods such as Gucci handbags to China.


That reading from the partial measure of the currency's international prominence puts it closer to its January peak of 2.


The US fatality had already led Tesla to revamp its self-driving technology, giving more prominence to signals from its vehicles' on-board radar systems rather than relying so heavily on the front-facing camera.


Having risen to prominence five years ago when it pushed into online video, Vice — which has a presence in 55 countries — is now a potential target for traditional media companies as they seek to reach its younger audiences.


If it can live up to the hype, it may bring a step-change in a wide range of real-world applications — though history suggests that eye-catching breakthroughs in AI fail to deliver as much as hoped for at their moment of maximum prominence.

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Now she's about to become a top model; signed to a modeling agency and gaining international fame and prominence.

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