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They've been practicing prudent waste management for the past 13 years after declaring their zero-waste ambition in 2003 and giving up their old practice of dumping trash into open fires.


If you get a prudent, health wife, your industry in your profession, with her good economy, will be a fortune sufficient.


"It is still prudent to air on the side of how it can be related to the role you have applied for, but try to take a not so serious approach to it.

这样一顿饭 你愿意付多少钱

Ayelet Gneezy, an associate professor of behavioral sciences and marketing at the University of California, San Diego, who has studied this model, said it could set off psychological conflict: Consumers like to see themselves as "fair" and even generous, but also want others to see them as "prudent and not a sucker.


To be prudent, this man of Song took a bath, burned incense, cleansed his mind, calmed his mood, and went in for self- cultivation for seven days.


But, sometimes it pays to be prudent and cross the bridge when you get there.


Thereafter he became very careful and prudent in doing things and treated people modestly.

约翰塔夫脱的天气论: 气候影响商业

Canadian banks and their regulators have certainly performed well during the past decade, demonstrating a much more prudent approach to the credit bubble and bust than many of their Wall Street peers.


We will maintain our strategic focus and continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy.


Before staring on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter.


" But the prudent youth answered, "Give you my cake and my wine?

聪明的小伙计 The wise servant

Take example by this, do not trouble yourselves about your masters or their orders, but rather do what comes into your head and pleases you, and then you will act just as wisely as prudent John.

林中小屋 The hut in the forest

" "Have no fear,' he replied, "the girl will not go astray; she is too prudent and sensible; besides I will take some peas with me, and strew them about.


Before staring on a sea voyage, prudent navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions, and memorize lighthouse locations to prepare themselves for any conditions they might encounter.

一千零一夜:Seventh and Last Voyage

On the fifth day we had the misfortune to fall in with pirates, who seized our vessel, killing all who resisted, and making prisoners of those who were prudent enough to submit at once, of whom I was one.

格林童话英文版:The Hut in the Forest

She is too prudent and sensible.

安徒生童话英文版:Poultry Meg’s Family

A light wind filled the sails, and the young student sat down with his face turned towards the fresh wind, and went to sleep, which was not exactly the most prudent thing he could have done.

安徒生童话英文版:The Farm-Yard Cock and the Weather-Cock

He did not even turn round, for he could not; and yet he was young and freshly cast, but prudent and sedate.

安徒生童话英文版:Jack the Dullard

Now at the gate each suitor was provided with a number, and all were placed in rows immediately on their arrival, six in each row, and so closely packed together that they could not move their arms; and that was a prudent arrangement, for they would certainly have come to blows, had they been able, merely because one of them stood before the other.

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