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Cao Cao spoke to the assembly: "We have raised this force to purge(,) evil, dispel threats to the ruling family and to calm the empire.


The kindly woman left cookies for her and spoke words of love and encouragement.

The Story of Two Sisters Who Were Jealous of Their Younger Sister

" As she spoke she took the cotton from her ears, for it was needed no longer.

The Enchanted Horse

"Sire," said he, prostrating himself as he spoke, "although I make my appearance so late before your Highness, I can confidently assure you that none of the wonders you have seen during the day can be compared to this horse, if you will deign to cast your eyes upon him.


We spoke of authors we both had read, and it was easy to tell that books are a great love of hers.


I squared my shoulders and saluted and held out the book to the woman, even though while I spoke I felt choked by the bitterness of my disappointment.


A man who can tell out his homesickness, he must be a man who loves home, cares about home, has responsibility of home Then she also started to speak, spoke about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family.


I spoke about how beautiful the world looks and how I missed seeing it.


Purple was very tall and spoke with great pomp: I am the color of royalty and power.


In his weekly address Saturday, Obama spoke of three things he says his administration is doing right now to increase employment.


52 years passed and we never spoke.


We never spoke of May anymore and neither of us ever mentioned my theory.

一千零一夜:The Story of Sidi-Nouman

The baker, who had of course been only in joke, was exceedingly surprised at my cleverness, and the woman, who was at last convinced that the man spoke the truth, produced another piece of money in its place.

The Adventures of Haroun-al-Raschid, Caliph of Bagdad

Bowing low, he waited, as was his duty, till his master spoke, but Haroun-al-Raschid merely turned his head and looked at him, and sank back into his former weary posture.

一千零一夜:Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

" The magician thanked him who spoke, and having seen the palace knew that it had been raised by the genie of the lamp, and became half mad with rage.

The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman and the Princess Badoura

At this Camaralzaman grew so angry and spoke with so much heat that the king, naturally irritated at being opposed by his son in full council, ordered the prince to be arrested and locked up in an old tower, where he had nothing but a very little furniture, a few books, and a single slave to wait on him.

The Story of the Barber's Sixth Brother

" As he spoke he drew a small case of medicines from his pocket and rubbed the neck of the hunchback with some ointment made of balsam.

一千零一夜:The Little Hunchback

" As he spoke he held out his hand to the hunchback to help him up, but the hunchback never moved.

一千零一夜:Sixth Voyage

I rose and saluted them, and they spoke to me in return, but I could not understand a word of their language.

一千零一夜:Fourth Voyage

Though they chattered incessantly I could not understand a word they said, nor did they heed when I spoke to them.

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