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Ionizing radiation, the powerful type from nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants and X-ray machines, is strong enough to knock electrons off atoms and damage DNA.


RNA is a genetic cousin of DNA and can have important biological effects.


" A DNA test was carried out to compare Fu Gui's biological information with his parents.

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They are known to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, and to contain antioxidants that help to repair DNA damage.


These potentially-harmful substances have been found to cause changes in the DNA that may increase the risk of cancer, according to a study published in April.


More than 100 researchers from around the world have unlocked the DNA secrets of a snail that transmits the parasite.


In the latest effort to contend with exploding quantities of digital data, researchers encoded an entire book into the genetic molecules of DNA, the basic building block of life, and then accurately read back the text.


In a small British study, fish oils guarded against sunburn and DNA changes that can lead to cancer.


Packed with potent antioxidants, green tea may also reduce DNA damage to skin cells when applied topically, according to animal studies.


They may not be as common as peanuts or walnuts, but there's good reason to seek them out at your local health food store or online: "One ounce of brazil nuts, which is about six to eight nuts, has 777 percent of the daily value for selenium, an antioxidant that plays a critical role in DNA synthesis and helps protect our body from oxidative damage and infection," says Alexandra Miller, a corporate dietitian at Medifast.

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These are caps on the ends of chromosomes that protect the DNA in them from damage, much like caps on shoelaces prevent fraying.


All forms of anxiety showed a substantial genetic component, with DNA explaining over a third of the differences between people.

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Instead, the vast majority of cancers are probably down to unlucky defects in replicating DNA that occur out of the blue, they suggest.


Picky eaters are typically unwilling to try new foods, which can be the result of your DNA and your upbringing.


All forms of anxiety showed a substantial genetic component, with DNA explaining over a third of the differences between people.


Scientists have found the key to artificial life after creating yeast from manmade DNA.


Since the early 2000s, the cost of sequencing a human genome — determining the precise order of nucleotides within DNA molecules that defines who we are — has dropped sharply.


According to the report, Subway's chicken was found to contain less than 50 percent chicken DNA.


They work by detecting the DNA released by dying tumour cells.

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