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车价下跌 反垄断调查伸向汽车行业

8 billion yuan ($292 million) for operating a monopoly, The Economic Observer reported on its website on Tuesday, quoting an unnamed Audi dealer.


Monroe's first American-made lead pencils--about 30 of them--were sold to a Boston hardware dealer in July, 1812.


My favorite came from an art dealer in New York, who wrote: "I can find you as many unhappy couples in New York City as you can get Picasso sketches.

一千零一夜:Noureddin and the Fair Persian

At length, early one morning, while Khacan was on his way to the king's palace, a dealer, throwing himself in his way, announced eagerly that a Persian merchant, arrived late the previous evening, had a slave to sell whose wit and wisdom were equal to her incomparable beauty.


Bryan Cranston is amazingly good as the chemistry teacher gone bad, but eccentric touches such as an episode kicked off by a Mexican folk song about the mysterious meth dealer lift this show above the competition.

格林童话英文版:The Sea-Hare

At length he cried, I have it, and went with him to a spring, dipped himself in it, and came out as a stall-keeper in the market, and dealer in animals.

安徒生童话英文版:The Gardener and the Manor

The gardener was very well acquainted with the dealer, because he was the very person to whom he sold the fruit that grew in the manor-garden, beyond what was needed by the family.

安徒生童话英文版:Peiter, Peter, and Peer

He should have been a butter dealer, and could have been his own signboard; but on the inside he was a trash collector with a rattle.

安徒生童话英文版:The Mail-Coach Passengers

Then came the mother herself, in crinoline, Madame AUGUST, a wholesale dealer in fruit, proprietress of a large number of fish ponds and a land cultivator.

安徒生童话英文版:A Story from the Sand-Hills

Jørgen still breathed, so the fishermen carried him to the nearest house upon the sand-hills, where a smith and general dealer lived who knew something of surgery, and bound up Jørgen's wounds in a temporary way until a surgeon could be obtained from the nearest town the next day.

安徒生童话英文版:Children’s Prattle

His father had been at first only a cattle dealer, but always honest and industrious, so that he had made money, and his son, the merchant, had managed to increase his store.


You quit doing drugs, you're not such good friends with your dealer anymore.

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