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Domestic and overseas tourists, as well as island residents can make duty-free purchases if they spend no more than 30,000 yuan per person within one year, up from the current limit of 16,000 yuan, the Ministry of Finance said in a statement on its website.


Last Thursday, China's science ministry said it had "demanded that the relevant organisation suspend the scientific activities of relevant personnel".

中国软件企业百强出炉 华为连续17年蝉联榜首

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) released a list of the top 100 software companies in China by sales revenue for 2017.


China will introduce a blacklist system to ensure implementation of its policy on social insurance funds, according to a draft by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

日本一公园售票员因害怕外国人 免费赠数万张门票

The environment ministry, which manages the garden, said that it had lost at least 25 million yen as a result.

日本这家公园损失16万张门票钱 只因售票员不会外语?

The environment ministry, which manages the garden, said this week that it had lost at least 25 million yen as a result.


Yang Chuantang, head of the Transport Ministry, said giving subsidies is a "short-term move" and imposes "unfair competition" on traditional taxi business.


The technology now has a wide range of applications in China, including in finance, credit reporting, smart manufacturing and supply-chain management, according to China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


43%, thanks to cheaper tickets and higher-quality travel services, according to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.


In September, the Ministry of Education released an announcement, requiring universities to increase the difficulty of undergraduate courses and work harder to end academic misconduct in bachelor's theses.

印度航班机组忘记增压 导致30名乘客耳鼻流血

The aviation ministry has said the cockpit crew has been taken off duty pending investigation.


Designed for China's elementary school students, the TV special jointly produced by China Central Television and the Ministry of Education is compulsory for most of the country's elementary students.


The Ministry of Education has called on local education departments to push for the legislation, which it says will define the duties of government departments and help them enforce stricter measures on kindergarten operators.


"The revision aims to create healthy eating habits among children and teenagers," an official from South Korea's Ministry of Food and Drug Safety said.


The Ministry of Ecology and Environment said a grid network to monitor the density of PM 2.

工信部发布企业上云指南 力争3年新增百万家

China will heavily promote cloud services for one million enterprises, and build a batch of cloud service platforms and cloud experience centers with influence by 2020, according to a guideline published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


In 2017, 608,400 students from China went abroad while 480,900 returned, according to the Ministry of Education.


The move follows a recent joint announcement by several national-level government bodies, including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Administration of Taxation and the China Film Administration, which all urged the film and TV industry to deal with chaotic situations including exorbitant celebrity pay and tax evasion.


The plan, released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and National Development and Reform Commission, said efforts will be made to let information technology play a bigger role in stimulating consumption, with the combined output of related industries expected to reach 15 trillion yuan.


" If a fire breaks out in a car defying the ban, the person responsible will be reported to police, according to the ministry.

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