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So why on earth would it matter if women entering the prestigious celebration of cinema chose not to confine themselves in difficult-to-walk-in heels, opting for something more manageable — or even fashion-forward, in a flat?


"Tens of millions of mobile subscribers around the world will be opting in to ad blocking by the end of the year," said Roi Carthy, chief marketing officer of Shine.


When Sarah asked for her secret, her friend explained that she had simply stopped shampooing, opting to partake in the apparently-popular 'no poo' movement, which Sarah had never heard of until that moment.


But the more troubling trend for Wall Street banks is the lower-ranking programmers who are opting to head west at a time when banks are more dependent than ever on software and technology.

冷风刮成表情帝 英女王冒严寒守岁

The Queen seemed in lively spirits, opting to walk and talk to her subjects outside the church.


'Often when we graze between meals we make the mistake of opting for calorie laden foods, rather than making nutritious choices,' Ms Zhou told Daily Mail Australia.


When it comes to drinking, they tend to avoid hard liquor, opting for a glass or two of wine with their meal.


team buying/group buying With limited pocket money in hand, many Chinese college students are increasingly opting to live life "low cost.

印度小村 蛇影重重(下)

Facing the prospect of death after a bite, some villagers nowadays are opting for more conventional medicine.


The survey found most employees -- 92 percent -- have lunch, with 68 percent opting for sandwiches, but most people don't drink enough during the day.

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