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It will go down into history as a memorable game for all Barca fans.


On one memorable occasion a fight broke out at a beach party, with everyone punching and shoving.


Some of the best autumn colours can be easily viewed from the road, though, with The Rockies and the Smoky Mountains offering the adventurous truly memorable autumnal moments.


I spent the tenth summer of my childhood, the most memorable months of my life, in western Norway at the mountain farm where my mother was born.


The survey, which was released in Beijing on Saturday, said the 53-year-old director, actor and scriptwriter of some of the country's most memorable comedy films, was rated the most popular director in the genre.


However, Yoda's most memorable quote is one of the last he gives to the young Luke Skywalker.


On one memorable occasion a fight broke out at a beach party, with everyone punching and shoving.


Smiling faces in happy contexts are more memorable.


Speaking about a recent trip to Tokyo and a memorable meal there, Portman said, "It's not about quantity; it's about taking pleasure in the perfection and beauty of the particular.


Dragon Ball Super is expected to balance humor and fighting, utilizing the elements that made both of its predecessors memorable.


Parties are great, but if you want to plan something bigger and more memorable, being a wedding planner is a perfect career for you.


It will be much more memorable than "I'm a fast learner.


Can you think of other qualities that make a memorable movie?


Eleven years ago, memorable global warming doomsday flick The Day After Tomorrow asked viewers to question their part in the balance between man and nature.


In her study of creativity published in the July/August 2014 edition of the Atlantic, Nancy Andreasen related a memorable anecdote from Nasar's book.


Corporate managers are always a good source of memorable quotes.


Sure, the test subjects were bad at recalling memorable bits of trivia — such as an "ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain" — when they thought the data were being saved by a computer in front of them.


n adorable toddler has become an internet sensation for giving her mother a sweet and memorable video for her birthday - with the help of her professional photographer father.

想做讨人喜欢的人 16件事情要努力

They will find the conversation more memorable and positive if they spend time talking about themselves.

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