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How about meeting each other halfway?

Remember 座右铭

Knowing that life will meet you halfway, Don't feel like you've lost.


" Silver Nose set out for the washerwoman's, but when he was only halfway there, he said to himself, "Maybebut I shall see if this girl isn't emptying my house of everything I own, under the pretext of sending out laundry" He went to put the bag down and open it "I see you, I see you!


The air was bright and cold against his face, and the snow in the driveway was already halfway to his knees.


You thanked her by moving halfway across the country.


Halfway through the trip, one of her friends stopped talking to her -- for good.


And for a lot of young people like me who are struggling to afford a regular semester of school paying for plane tickets or living expense halfway around the world just isn't possible.


A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.

理解才有爱 忠诚一生伴

Chester would try to make his way through a narrow sliding door find himself stuck halfway and then look at me with total and quite genuine puzzlement.

英语名人名言: Truth 真实

Lenin (1870 - 1924) A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.


You thanked her by moving halfway across the country.

英语名人名言: Lies 谎言

Lenin (1870 - 1924) A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.


" Before they got halfway up the hill, the fragrance of the lilacs drifted down to them, and the kids started running.

英语名人名言:Acting 行为

Sir Ralph Richardson (1902 - 1983), quoted in New York Herald Tribune, May 19, 1946 When a man plays a woman in a dress, you're halfway there.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-X

Halfway up the hill stood the boarding-house in which Babette's godmother resided.

哈克贝利•费恩历险记-5 使吉姆获得自由的计划

Ihurried up the road and before I was halfway to town,therewas Tom Sawyer coming along.

安徒生童话英文版-8 The Travelling Companion(1836)

The dog immediately started running up the mountain, hoping to get his share; but when he was halfway up, the trumpeter ceased blowing, and a trumpet from the other castle commenced.

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