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First, people can relax themselves thoroughly in a two-day weekend, watching tv at home or going shopping.

名人励志英语演讲 第37期:为理想我愿献出生命(11)

There must be an end to white monopoly on political power and a fundamental restructuring of our political and economic systems ,, to ensure that the inequalities of apartheid are addressed and our society thoroughly democratized.

乔布斯传 第130期:年度机器(2)

They FedExed me the magazine, and I remember opening the package, ,, thoroughly expecting to see my mug on the cover, and it was this computer sculpture thing.


Suitcases are smaller than containers, and their contents are more predictable, so humans are able to inspect their X-rays quickly and thoroughly (although regular rest breaks are still needed).

乔布斯传 第101期:划时代的Mac(4)

198012, "I thoroughly enjoy talking with him, and I admire his ideas, practical perspective, and energy.

The pack of ragamuffins

Now he was thoroughly angry, and suspected the guests who had come so late the night before, and when he went and looked about for them, they were gone.

乔布斯传 第62期:奇迹从车库开始(3)

Sitting in the row behind them was Felsenstein, who looked at the Apple I and pronounced it "thoroughly unimpressive.

名人故事:亨利八世 Henry VIII

Most important of all, he thoroughly understood the hearts and minds of his people.


Leave the conditioner in for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly.


At night, massage a nickel-size blob of a milky cleanser over the face, and rinse thoroughly with warm water.


Yin Weimin, the minister, said that governments at all levels should "thoroughly check" on any wages that may be in arrears as Chinese New Year approaches, and set a deadline for companies and employers to clear up the situation.


" The wacky inventor claims that, although his garlic coffee does give off an aroma of roasted garlic, it doesn't cause bad breath, because the garlic is thoroughly cooked.


In other words, your vacation can be a great time to improve your emotional intelligence—and still thoroughly remain in vacation mode.


Leave the conditioner in for five minutes, then rinse thoroughly.


Plunge the bread knife into hot water and when thoroughly hot wipe quickly.


Whether sending a letter or an email, thoroughly proofread your note before sending it.


To reduce misunderstandings with your employees, for example, you need to communicate information thoroughly, clearly and in a timely manner.


It is believed that to ensure the ghosts and deities' timely departure, people must thoroughly clean both their bodies and their dwellings, down to every last drawer and cupboard.


And while liars can rehearse their story thoroughly, an unexpected question or trying to recall details out of sequence can throw them.


I had enjoyed myself thoroughly at the paper: my roles had included deputy UK news editor, arts editor and, at the time I left, co-Editor of what was then the Weekend section — now Life & Arts.

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