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If a woman has had a previous abortion, it also raised the chances of a subsequent miscarriage by more than 60 percent, while fertility problems were associated with 41 per cent higher odds.

乔布斯传 第80期:被遗弃者(3)

",,,", "I was all in favor of her getting an abortion, but she didn't know what to do.

乔布斯传 第6期:童年,被遗弃和被选择(2)

Nor was abortion an easy option in a small Catholic community.


The common secrets that people were less likely to keep to themselves were abortion, marriage proposals and sexual orientation.

中国世界上出生率最低 遭遇精子危机

That regime led to widespread sex-selective abortion, resulting in a significantly skewed sex ratio.


" During the 90-minute talk Liu explained legal issues related to dating, including such topics as mistresses, domestic violence, divorce and abortion.


", "How do you feel about abortion?


In developing countries, salient son preference causes sex-selective abortion, female infanticide, or female neglect.


When it emerged that far more boys than girls were being born in China, the Chinese government launched the Care for Girls Campaign to improve the value of the girl child and to prevent sex-selective abortion.

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