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Despite his Hall of Fame career, Terry's memories of his playing days have been irretrievably lost to amnesia.

乔布斯传 第105期:德士古的小分队(3)

He barely survived and ended up with partial amnesia.


Officially called gluteal amnesia, doctors have seen a rise in the numbers of people who are desk bound for so long that their behinds essentially falls asleep.


The legacy of a celebrated neuroscientist is contested 7 August 87 In 1953, Patient HM had experimental brain surgery that left him with striking amnesia.


It was a minor obsession of the father of psychotherapy, Sigmund Freud, who coined the phrase 'infant amnesia' over 100 years ago.


Other art-house offerings that I have missed but may be worthy of mentioning include: Wang Xiaoshuai's Red Amnesia, a revisit to the "cultural revolution" (1966-76), Li Ruijun's River Road, Tibetan filmmaker Pema Tseden's Tharlo, and the work of a possible whiz kid, 26-year-old Bi Gai's Kaili Blues, which won several cineaste-circle awards.

生活节奏匆乱快 可别忘了记忆力

The researchers talk of "attentional saturation" and "inattentional amnesia", but I think it is simpler than that.


Executive amnesia is a form of authoritarian terrorism that must be fought.

韩国肥皂剧 防不胜防的特洛伊木马

" The decidedly lowbrow dramas — with names like "Bad Housewife" and "Red Bean Bread" — have, in fact, become something of a cultural Trojan horse, sneaking visions of the bustling South into the tightly controlled, impoverished North alongside the usual sudsy fare of betrayals, bouts of ill-timed amnesia and, at least once, a love affair with an alien.


Released during the last days of the "cultural revolution" (1966-76), Lu finally returns home only to find that his beloved wife has amnesia and is unable to recognize him.

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