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The energy that would animate a crime is not more than is wanted to inspire a resolved submission, when the noble habit of the soul reasserts itself.

万物简史 第53期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(17)

Some tiny bag of chemicals twitched and became animate.

培根散文随笔集 论野心

At the least, a prince may animate and inure some meaner persons, to be, as it were, scourges to ambitious men.


But as it is proceeding farther and farther the line of demarcation between the animate and inanimate is growing more and more dim.

安徒生童话英文版:Beauty of Form and Beauty of Mind

Then he unfolded to them both the beauties of Nature, in all her works; he pointed out to them how, in the scale of creation, inanimate matter was inferior to animate nature; the plant above the mineral, the animal above the plant, and man above them all.

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