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Try a retinol Retinol may be the most powerful tool in your anti-aging arsenal.

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In a report, the BPA said President Trump's statements on climate change, expanding the US nuclear arsenal and the questioning of intelligence agencies had contributed to the heightened global risk.


But, when it comes to defending themselves against the arsenal of patents Nokia built up in its years at the top, the US tech heavyweights want the world to view them as victims of unfair and anti-competitive behaviour.


Yesterday, Arsenal signed striker Lucas Pérez and is expected to complete the transfer of defender Shkodran Mustafi today, for fees of more than £50m in total.


Add a couple of healthy, one-pan dinners to your arsenal for days when you don't want to make dinner a big production but leftovers just won't do.


If Arsenal win the Champions League, I'll eat my hat!


" Messi, who just led Barcelona in its 3-1 victory over Londons Arsenal FC on Thursday, said his goal has always been to win everything he competes for.


Early results of clinical trials raised hopes that the therapies would be critical new additions to the treatment arsenal for those at risk of heart disease, the biggest killer of Americans.


Unlike Batman, who has a personal arsenal of advanced fighting equipment, and Spiderman, who can slingshot himself onto roofs and over walls, Daredevil relies mostly on hand-to-hand combat to survive.


" Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger: 'Nobody has enough talent to live on talent alone.


" Scientists and drug companies have for decades exploited the microbes' natural arsenal, often by mining soil samples, and discovered lifesaving antibiotics like penicillin, streptomycin and tetracycline, as well as some powerful chemotherapy drugs for cancer.

老爸老妈发问 孩子不乖就该打屁股?

Some people even argue that it's a necessary tool in a parent's arsenal of options.


It might sound like a manipulative thing to do but it is an accepted part of contemporary organizational culture and something you should have as a part of your office arsenal.

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