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The various ascending noises convinced her that the servants must still be up.


Rapidly growing companies in various sectors in China and other emerging economies are ascending the international arena, according to a report from Boston Consulting Group.


While this situation seems to suggest that English is on the way out, globally, it's actually ascending.


For three weeks, station staff actively encouraged travellers to stand on both the left and right sides of the escalator, breaking the long-established 'stand on the right, walk on the left' protocol, in the hope it would increase the number of people ascending.


), the retro-themed "Tomorrowland" (Walt Disney Studios) and the space adventure "Jupiter Ascending" (Warner).


Chang E Ascending to the Moon Once upon a time,a young archer named Yi managed to shoot nine of the ten suns.


Li Chunlai, one of the main designers of the lunar probe ground application system, said Chang'e-5 will achieve several breakthroughs, including automatic sampling, ascending from the moon without a launch site and an unmanned docking 400,000 kilometers above the lunar surface.


Further progress requires a larger pipeline of women ascending the executive ranks.


English auction, also known as an open ascending price auction.

岑参: 与高适薛据登慈恩寺浮图

ASCENDING THE PAGODA AT THE TEMPLE OF KIND FAVOUR WITH GAO SHI AND XUE JU Cen Can The pagoda, rising abruptly from earth, Reaches to the very Palace of Heaven….

格林童话英文版:The Drummer

You can only help me by ascending the glass-mountain, and indeed if you were quite close to it you could not ascend it.

格林童话英文版:Iron John

When he was ascending the stairs with them, the gardener met him, and said, "How canst thou take the King's daughter a garland of such common flowers?

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-XII

He seized his hunting-flask, but it was empty; he had not thought of filling it before ascending the mountain.

安徒生童话英文版-17 The Garden of Paradise

He looked through another pane, and saw the ladder in Jacob's dream, on which the angels were ascending and descending with outspread wings.

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