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绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 35

It was all very well for Anne, who was sure of passing at least, to have her moments of belittling them, but when your whole future depended on them—as the girls truly thought theirs did—you could not regard them philosophically.


Belittling children sends the message that they are not worthy of love and support," Lac Su, vice president of marketing for TalentSmart, a global think tank, wrote in CNN.


It's probably better to err on the side of caution here, lest you come off as belittling or disrespectful.


Be your own friend When you hear that voice in your head, abusing, attacking and belittling you, remind yourself thata friend wouldn't talk to you in that manner.


When you hear that voice in your head, abusing, attacking and belittling you, remind yourself that a friend wouldn't talk to you in that manner.


" There's nothing more belittling or condescending than telling your spouse what he should or shouldn't be feeling in any given situation.


" There's nothing more belittling or condescending than telling your spouse what he should or shouldn't be feeling in any given situation, Rodman said.


But if she is constantly belittling you infront of your friends, and shows no remorse for her actions, forgiveness maynot be the best approach.


When you hear that voice in your head, abusing, attacking and belittling you, remind yourself that a friend wouldn't talk to you in that manner.

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