Little Friend the Song Sparrow had tucked his head under his wing and gone to sleep among the alders along the Laughing Brook and Redwing the Blackbird had done the same thing among the bulrushes.
From over in the Green Meadows rose the clear lilt of Carol the Meadow Lark, and among the alders just where the Laughing Brook ran into the Smiling Pool a flood of happiness was pouring from the throat of Little Friend the Song Sparrow.
Old Granny Fox just ran through the house, out the back door, through the hollow tree, and then jumped into a little brook where there was hardly more than enough water to wet her feet.
Then, by chance, Sammy had visited the Laughing Brook just as the big stranger had come down there to drink.
He had stolen very softly clown to the Laughing Brook, hoping to surprise the beautiful stranger drinking there.
Just at dusk one evening he went down to his favorite drinking place at the Laughing Brook.
Billy Mink, who travels up and down the Laughing Brook, had looked for Lightfoot's footprints in the soft earth along the banks and had found only old ones.
He made it by building a dam across the Laughing Brook.
He sculled in a manner almost dramatic, and the dinghy shot about like a water-spider on a brook.
He took him to the Smiling Pool and the Laughing Brook, and everywhere Jumper the Hare was met with the greatest politeness.
Billy Mink and Little Joe Otter started off up the Laughing Brook, where the water was clear.
Out of the Smiling Pool and into the Laughing Brook, where the brown water flows smoothly, the three little swimmers towed the big green lily-pad.
X BILLY MINK GOES DINNERLESS Down the Laughing Brook came Billy Mink.
All up and down the Laughing Brook were shy violets turning joyful faces up to jolly, round, red Mr.
When Prickly Porky headed towards the Big Rock, Little Joe Otter suddenly remembered that he had business down the Laughing Brook, and Billy Mink recalled that Mother Mink had forbidden him to play at the Smiling Pool.
" So we addressed ourselves to follow the brook that stole away from the spring in its windings and doublings and tricky surprises.
Until the snow disappeared she went out to the main road by the long Armstrong lane; but when spring came she was wont to take a shorter way, down the pine hill, across the brook, past Jasper Dale's garden, and out through his lane.
Go you to a brook hollow where they grow some late summer twilight at dewfall; and on the still air that rises suddenly to meet you will come a waft of faint, aromatic fragrance, wondrously sweet and evasive, the distillation of that despised thistle bloom.
And he said HE didn't do it—it was all the work of the pixies who lived in the woods across the brook.
A brook went with us part of the way, singing to us through the dark—a gay, irresponsible vagabond of valley and wilderness.