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you should have seen what a bustling about there was in the pen, and all because Uncle Wiggily had come and because every one was fond of him.


Spencer, bustling her guests through the hall into the parlor, where a deadly chill struck on them as if the air had been strained so long through dark green, closely drawn blinds that it had lost every particle of warmth it had ever possessed.


Through Newbridge, a bustling little village where dogs barked at them and small boys hooted and curious faces peered from the windows, they drove, still in silence.


According to Brooklyn native and Coney Island historian Michael Quinn, a German immigrant named Charles L Feltman was serving hot dogs along the bustling strip decades before Nathan's was conceived.

精品文摘:Fragrance to know people, light aloof

Modern city, entertainment, bustling into the shade.


Aided by his usual cinematographer, Janusz Kaminski, and by the production designer Adam Stockhausen, he turns a vast virtual landscape of battling avatars into a bustling pop-cultural theme park, an interactive museum of late-20th- and early-21st-century entertainment, a maze of niche tastes, cultish preoccupations and blockbuster callbacks.

乔布斯传 第12期:童年,被遗弃和被选择(8)

The forty-mile Santa Clara Valley, which stretches from South San Francisco through Palo Alto to San Jose, 40,,, has as its commercial backbone El Camino Real, the royal road that once connected California's twenty-one mission churches and is now a bustling avenue that connects companies and startups accounting for a third of the venture capital investment in the United States each year.

西班牙奇葩用餐时间 都是时区惹的祸

Restaurants are bustling at an hour when, in most other countries, chefs would be hanging up their aprons for the night.


And even fans of exciting, bustling metropoles can find some urban sprawls too extreme to enjoy when they visit.


Igoni Barrett's brilliant novel Blackass is a provocative, contemporary reworking of Kafka's Metamorphosis — but set in the bustling metropolis of Lagos and starring a Nigerian man who wakes up one day as a white man.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(149)

A BUSTLING CROWD was filling Ghazi Stadium when we walked through the entrance tunnels.


These days, it is of no surprise that a number of bookstores in big cities likeBeijing,Nanjingare squeezed out of bustling commercial streets and give way to more profitable shopping malls, hotels and restaurants.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(78)

He missed people milling in and out of his house, missed walking down the bustling aisles of Shor Bazaar and greeting people who knew him and his father, knew his grandfather, people who shared ancestors with him, whose pasts intertwined with his.

韩国肥皂剧 防不胜防的特洛伊木马

" The decidedly lowbrow dramas — with names like "Bad Housewife" and "Red Bean Bread" — have, in fact, become something of a cultural Trojan horse, sneaking visions of the bustling South into the tightly controlled, impoverished North alongside the usual sudsy fare of betrayals, bouts of ill-timed amnesia and, at least once, a love affair with an alien.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(16)

We talked about whatever film we had just seen and walked amid the bustling crowds of "bazarris".

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(8)

On Fridays, the lake was bustling with families out for a day in the sun.

Rush 匆匆--朱自清

What can I do, in this bustling world, with my days flying in their escape?

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 10

I might have been twice as weary, yet I would not have left the deck, all was so new and interesting to me--the brief commands, the shrill note of the whistle, the men bustling to their places in the glimmer of the ship's lanterns.


Croxteth Hall and Country Park, together with Knowsley Hall and its Safari Park each lie just a few miles from the bustling city centre.

英语名人名言: Pride 骄傲

We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bustling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.

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