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It used to be about easy assignments and times tables, now it's calculus and boring lectures.


The professor has turned calculus, considered an exceptionally difficult course among students, into a popular class.


As a result, the demanding, gratifying, even thrilling four-year immersion in physics, chemistry, biology, calculus, computer science, astronomy, entomology, the proper use of power tools — and yes, the humanities and social sciences — remains almost two-thirds male.


For example, an English literature major in college needs a math credit and is enrolled in a calculus class.


As a result, the demanding, gratifying, even thrilling four-year immersion in physics, chemistry, biology, calculus, computer science, astronomy, entomology, the proper use of power tools — and yes, the humanities and social sciences — remains almost two-thirds male.


"They want to know what the calculus is: How will doing an honors thesis translate into my ability to persuade my manager to put me on the management track?


' All of that advice might well remain apt today, but the recession has changed the calculus for many workers.


Whether it is getting the highest grade in Calculus, completing your elegant fashion design, successfully selling your painted running shoes, or becoming one of the top orators in Model United Nations, you have become a talented and accomplished young woman.


Her mother, Tally, a financial-aid officer at an Ohio university, knows all too well the daunting calculus of paying for a college education.


" Why the iPhone Matters Apple's calculus is much simpler: it doesn't matter who prevails online — Facebook, Google, both or someone else.

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