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First the loud cannons shot off; and what do you suppose the cannons were?


:Sure, it doesn't taste as good as candy, ice cream or opium, but it's full of essential vitamins and minerals that'll make your muscles explode like battleship cannons.

名人故事:拿破仑·波拿马 Napoleon Bonaparte

The long line of soldiers and horses and cannons stretched for twenty miles.


It's a concern shared by Games organisers who, as a result, have brought in snow cannons to produce it artificially at a cost of £4.


Beijing's environment authorities last Friday vowed zero tolerance to falsification of environmental figures, after Net users complained that mist cannons, or the "magic smog cleaner," are used around the capital's air quality monitoring stations so that the data gathered will be more "satisfying.


Directors become loose cannons when they lose control.


Directors become loose cannons when they lose control.


" Before he could finish his words, the thunder of cannons was heard and an army headed by Guan Yu stormed out of hiding to block their way.

格林童话英文版:The Knapsack, The Hat, and The Horn

After the meal was over, the charcoal-burner said, up there on that shelf lies a little old worn-out hat which has strange properties - the moment someone puts it on, and turns it round on his head, the cannons go off as if twelve were fired all together, and they demolish everything so that no one can withstand them.

安徒生童话英文版:The Flea and the Professor

I must have fine silk stuff, needle and thread, rope and cord, together with cordial drops for the balloon, they blow one up so easily and give one the heaves; they are what make the report in the cannons s inside.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-IX

"They are digging passages beneath the earth, and the noise is like the reports of cannons.

安徒生童话英文版:The Shadow

In the evening the whole town was illuminated, and cannons fired "boom," and the soldiers presented arms.

安徒生童话英文版:Holger Danske

And they salute the old castle with cannons, "Boom, boom," which is as if they said, "Good-day.

安徒生童话英文版-11 The Little Mermaid

On the same evening the bride and bridegroom went on board ship; cannons were roaring, flags waving, and in the centre of the ship a costly tent of purple and gold had been erected.

安徒生童话英文版-7 The Travelling Companion(1835)

The soldiers fired off cannons, and the boys let off crackers.

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