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When Prissy Andrews, attired in a new pink-silk waist with a string of pearls about her smooth white throat and real carnations in her hair—rumor whispered that the master had sent all the way to town for them for her—"climbed the slimy ladder, dark without one ray of light," Anne shivered in luxurious sympathy; when the choir sang "Far Above the Gentle Daisies" Anne gazed at the ceiling as if it were frescoed with angels; when Sam Sloane proceeded to explain and illustrate "How Sockery Set a He


Hitler, of the Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria was sold to an unnamed buyer from China at the Weidler auction house in Nuremberg for over $113,000 (100,000 euros); a still life of carnations fetched over $82,000 (73,000 euros), according to Deutsche-Presse Agentur.


Carnations, acacia blossoms, full skirts and all.


for instance, pink carnations meant "I will never forget you," and chrysanthemums meant "truth.

安徒生童话英文版:What Old Johanne Told

" The house was clean and tidy, with curtains in the windows, and flowers as well, both carnations and balsams.

安徒生童话英文版:A Story from the Sand-Hills

He sat by her side on the open balcony, smoking a cigarette in the cool air, which was loaded with the sweet scent of carnations and orange blossoms.

安徒生童话英文版-4 Little Ida’s Flowers(1835)

Beautiful stocks and carnations followed, bowing to every one present.

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