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The Sawyer, in Sacramento, California, is offering pool cabanas for use as outdoor offices, complete with fast WiFi, free parking and catered lunch for $150 per day.

旅游英语:New York City

The established arts - dance, theater, music - are superbly catered for, and although the contemporary music scene is perhaps not as vital or original as in, say, London or Los Angeles, New York's clubs are varied and exciting, if rarely inexpensive.


The beachside Brooklyn amusement park is a mixture of kitsch and family-friendly fun: its wooden boardwalk and golden sand is crowded with rides, games and food joints that have catered to hardworking New Yorkers for more than a century.


Women with large breasts are finally being catered for by the lilo industry after the invention of blow-up beach accessory for the big-breasted.


com that the karaoke booth catered to people's increasing need for entertainment.


The bodily and spiritual needs of the worker — never a concern for office designers in the past — are all catered for.

旅游热升温 中国游客涌入帕劳

" Palau has long catered for a particular type of visitor, with up to 70 percent of tourists coming for world-famous diving in stunning blue waters with pristine corals.


" She and co-founder Dick Talens explained that the scarce breaks and frequent travel required of tech entrepreneurs, along with catered lunches and schmoozing over cocktails, often result in decision fatigue when it comes to diet and exercise.


It catered to large appetites and modest purses.

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