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By-and-by came a decided external leading: a confidential subordinate partner died, and nobody seemed to the principal so well fitted to fill the severely felt vacancy as his young friend Bulstrode, if he would become confidential accountant.


I have a confidential little bird," said she, showing very pretty airs of her head over the bit of work held high between her active fingers.


Brooke, as not too "clever in his intellects," was the more likely to forgive a grocer who gave a hostile vote under pressure, had become confidential in his back parlor.


Brooke's confidential secretary was a dangerous subject with Mrs.


When they got home Peter had grown confidential over helping Mother to get the breakfast and had told her their plans.


Perks made tea in a beer can, as usual, and everyone felt very happy and confidential.


" The friends were not able to get together for any confidential discourse till all the dancing was over; but then, as they walked about the room arm in arm, Isabella thus explained herself: "I do not wonder at your surprise; and I am really fatigued to death.


Bellmore came up to him, with a confidential sparkle in her eye.


"That's confidential.


Google is rolling out a new feature available to everyone that can have sensitive emails destroy themselves as preset, if Confidential Mode is enabled in Gmail.


"That's confidential.

乔布斯传 第128期:彻底的控制(2)

The new and energetic Macintosh marketing director Mike Murray ·, proposed a licensing program in a confidential memo to Jobs in May 1982.

乔布斯传 第88期:抢劫施乐的创意(3)

"It will dazzle and he'll never know he didn't get the confidential disclosure," the head of the team told Goldberg.


It plans to submit a confidential draft registration statement to the US Securities and Exchange Commission for the launch, according to a statement by Sohu.


"Australia and China agreed that neither country would conduct or support cyber-enabled theft of intellectual property, trade secrets or confidential business information with the intent of obtaining competitive advantage," the Australian government said in a statement on Monday.

苹果将停止使用Imagination Technologies的图形技术

Apple has not presented any evidence to substantiate its assertion that it will no longer require Imagination's technology, without violating Imagination's patents, intellectual property and confidential information, the company said.


,"(the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency)".


If you are considering your next career move, you likely have kept your job search confidential at work.


You need time to get to know them so you can decide who will keep that information confidential, who will spread gossip about you and who will seize the opportunity to use that information to undermine your authority.


An investigation has been launched by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) after a suspected leak of confidential information about some people infected with HIV.

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