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"I want to see him and have a great consultation with him about the Hospital.


"One sees how any mental strain, however slight, may affect a delicate frame," said Lydgate at that stage of the consultation when the remarks tend to pass from the personal to the general, "by the deep stamp which anxiety will make for a time even on the young and vigorous.


Bulstrode's request, was laying down plans for the internal arrangements of the new hospital, and the two were often in consultation.


Bulstrode's consultation of Harriet seemed to have had the effect desired by Mr.


Toad, after due consultation with his friends, selected a handsome gold chain and locket set with pearls, which he dispatched to the gaoler's daughter with a letter that even the Badger admitted to be modest, grateful, and appreciative; and the engine-driver, in his turn, was properly thanked and compensated for all his pains and trouble.


She turned into the drawing-room for privacy, but Henry and Eleanor had likewise retreated thither, and were at that moment deep in consultation about her.


In a private consultation between Isabella and James, the former of whom had particularly set her heart upon going, and the latter no less anxiously placed his upon pleasing her, it was agreed that, provided the weather were fair, the party should take place on the following morning; and they were to set off very early, in order to be at home in good time.


He could contrive to deal with them when he knew exactly what he wanted and could point it out; but in such a matter as this, requiring explanation and consultation, Matthew felt that he must be sure of a man behind the counter.


After asking me if I had ever had a grand uncle with curvature of the spine or a cousin with swelled ankles, the two doctors retired to the bathroom and sat on the edge of the bath tub for their consultation.


Miss Lydia called her father to a consultation.


Betty, after much consultation and reflection, had decided that Valancy was too insignificant—she would "spoil the effect.

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Employers may extend working hours after consultation with an employee, but shall not exceed three hours a day or 36 hours a month.


During a patient's initial consultation, some of their blood is removed and is fed through a syringe containing metal beads - which tricks the blood into thinking they are wounds.


Several days later, the butcher opens the mail and finds an envelope from the lawyer: $250 due for a consultation.

不再孤单! 美国老人现在可以用APP租孙儿陪伴!

Papa's representatives will then provide a free consultation with the person to see how it can pair college students with them.


With spaces dedicated to art therapy and also a medical consultation room, the MMFA already provides services for people with mental health issues, eating disorders, autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease, just to name a few.


" According to Detik, the account was posing as a consultation service, offering to solve family problems.

中国电商就业规模逾4800万 未来前景仍将看涨

China's employment driven by e-commerce is projected to exceed 48 million jobs in 2018, said ASKCI, a industry market research and enterprise consultation service provider.


"After widespread consultation it has been decided to simplify this.


" Officials from the Shanghai Health Bureau said patients should go to big hospitals for careful checkup and consultation before receiving surgery.

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