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" He spoke with a firmness which was very gentle, and yet he could see that Bulstrode seemed to cower under that gentleness, his face looking dried and his eyes swerving away from the glance which rested on him.

《新月集》第20期: 对岸

" When the day is done and the shadows cower under the trees, I shall come back in the dusk.


So try to get outside and turn on as many lights as you can — don't cower in your room under your phone's glow even if you feel groggy.


While others cower and doubt their own abilities, optimists believe they are good enough just the way they are and constantly strive to get better.

戴叔伦: 江乡故人偶集客舍

In the trees a wind has startled the birds, And insects cower from cold in the grass; But wayfarers at least have wine And nothing to fear -- till the morning bell.

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