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迷人四月天:Chapter 13

Fisher, carefully adjusting another nut between the crackers.


Otherwise known as hydrogenated oil, people who eat a lot of trans fat in the form of margarine, store-bought baked goods, chips and crackers, frozen and canned meals, and creamy beverages are at a greater risk for Alzheimer's and dementia.


Try: Bland foods, such as rice, crackers, baked chicken and toast, are easy for the stomach to tolerate.

Traveling With Diabetes

Wherever you go, take a totable snack like an apple, an energy bar, a banana, raisins, or cheese and crackers in case your blood sugar starts to dip when you don't have immediate access to your food.


: Most Saltline Crackers Eaten in one minute 1 The record is : 10 :10 Why it is difficult : The dryness in the mouth due to the salty crackers makes it impossible to go beyond 5 without water.


This means avoiding -wholemeal bread, oats, muesli, digestive biscuits, cereal bars and all breakfast cereals other than Rice Krispies, but white bread, cakes, cream crackers and most biscuits are fine.

减肥运动相关口语表达 第46期:如果有必要的话可以吃点零食

3 grams of fat each)or wheat or rye crackers (9 calories and 0.


"The most cavity-causing food is crackers and breads, not candy.


Potato chips, crackers, corn puffs 、、 According to Larson, "These snacks are filled with air and loaded with sodium, fat, and calories.


If I make the mistake of putting a bag of chips or a box of crackers on my desk at deadline time, I often pack in the whole thing without even realizing it.


Prawn Crackers Deep fried prawn crackers are made from starch and prawn flavorings.


You don't need to eat a full-on meal … just some fruit, some crackers, maybe some low-fat dairy (cheese or yogurt or cottage cheese — although I prefer soy yogurt), oatmeal, some nuts, dried fruit, etc.


So he went and bought rockets and crackers, and all sorts of fire-works that could be thought of, packed them in his trunk, and flew up with it into the air.


They are generally subdivided into three categories :single-bang firecrackers, double-bang firecrackers (or cannon crackers) ,and cannonade crackers.


However, they have not shed all their old habits; they still prefer American crackers to Chinese bread, and know English better than Chinese.


In lieu of meat, try having a few rice crackers or apple slices.


: Savory crackers with cheese make a great snack.


Both kitchens contained bowls of crackers, cookies and carrots, laid out for the participants to munch on.

厨房越乱 吃得越多

Both kitchens contained bowls of crackers, cookies and carrots, laid out for the participants to munch on.


Premake snack packs: You know what happens when you eat chips or crackers out of the box — you practically end up polishing off the entire package!

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