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I had to cuff his head once or twice to get any sense out of it at all.


For a younger vibe, it is recommended to reach for simple cuff bracelets, thin hoop earrings, a tennis bracelet, or thin chain necklaces.


Of all the reasons you can have shoulder pain, injury to your rotator cuff is the most common-in a recent study, two-thirds of people with shoulder pain had a rotator cuff problem.


One byproduct of the project is as imaginative as the tower itself: The carbon particles extracted from the air will be compressed and sealed in acrylic in the form of rings, cuff links and cubes, and then sold.


" 'Broadcasting your political views on your social media channels can successfully eliminate any potential suitors with opposing views from making an approach before you have even met, meaning that you may never meet the man/woman of your dreams, all due to one off the cuff remark,' he suggests.


Finite relationships are beginning up and down the country as men and women prepare for what is being dubbed as 'the cuffing season', a phenomenon involving lone rangers deciding to 'cuff' themselves to an unwitting partner so they have someone to attend parties with and cuddle up to in winter.


(;) 8)Cuff Only when hespoke off the cuff did he establish rapport with his audience.


I said a few words off the cuff.

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