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Google+数十万用户数据曾暴露在外 谷歌一度选择隐瞒

In its announcement, the company said it is curtailing the access it gives outside developers to user data on Android smartphones and Gmail.


Its experiments on curtailing fake news show that Facebook recognizes it has a deepening responsibility for what is on its site.


Bruce Klingner, a former intelligence official now at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, said that the restrictions on North Korean exports of resources "could be a significant ratcheting up of pressure", raising the question about whether "China is severing or severely curtailing its economic trade with North Korea".


He has practiced bite counting for three years, he said, without regaining the pounds he lost at the start of this routine and without curtailing his enjoyment of food.


In Northern China, where pollution is curtailing lives by an average of five years, the government has at last declared a "war on pollution.

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