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科学家研发新设备 可通过心跳实现身份验证

Researchers have developed a device that uses low-powered Doppler radar to decode the unique geometry of a user's heart…and how it squeezes and swells as it beats.


Effectively, this means the government can force companies to decode encrypted data.


Education is the training and refining of our mental capacities," said Kari Stefansson, CEO of Icelandic genetics firm deCODE, which ran the study.


Also, focus on the person's body language and expressions and you'll decode the full message and know the person's intentions.

冰岛 一个盛产诗人的国度

Kari Stefansson, one of the world's leading geneticists and the founder of Decode Genetics, recalled a poem he wrote in 1996, a few months after the birth of Dolly, the cloned sheep.


"We managed to decode some panda language and the results are quite interesting," Zhang said.


"We managed to decode some panda language and the results are quite interesting," Zhang said.


Turing was crucial in helping the UK government decode German intelligence during World War II.


Literature seems to offer lessons in human nature that help us decode the world around us and be better friends.


Then I hear something I can't decode --- perhaps a tree branch scratching the shop roof next door.


Play The Curious Fool To Make Others Dance To Your Tune , One way of keeping yourself awake at the office, making yourself look genuinely busy and ensuring that no one can decode your hidden agenda is to keep engaging the attention of others without actually working.


These included the pre-frontal cortex, which helps us decode language and screen out irrelevancies.

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