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She had him out at daylight every morning, stood him up in the wood-shed and drowned him with a deluge of cold water; then she scrubbed him down with a towel like a file, and so brought him to; then she rolled him up in a wet sheet and put him away under blankets till she sweated his soul clean and "the yellow stains of it came through his pores"—as Tom said.


The window went up, a maid-servant's discordant voice profaned the holy calm, and a deluge of water drenched the prone martyr's remains!

为了劝人们少用塑料袋 这位杂货店主给塑料袋印上尴尬字眼

Like countries around the world, Canada is grappling with a deluge of plastics which cannot be recycled and instead end up in landfills.


This decades-old science is enjoying a renaissance today because of the deluge of data created by smartphones and sensors, and the supercomputing power that is available to crunch that data.


To rid yourself of the the ongoing deluge of messages, you can see yourself out by tapping "Details" and scrolling down to where it says "Leave This Conversation.


" was posted several times in the comment section of stories about the AlphaGo-Lee Sedol match on Chinese microblog Sina Weibo, where they attracted a deluge of comments defending humanity' glory in mahjong.


Distraction The modern world clamors for your attention in ever-louder ways, a deluge that can distract you from your course.


Distraction The modern world clamors for your attention in ever-louder ways, a deluge that can distract you from your course.


Some experts think the deluge of new insect-related companies could be a turning point in entomophagists' (that's those who advocate for insects as food) decades-long battle to get the six and eight-legged critters onto the plates of consumers.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Eighth Evening

He glided over the waters of the Deluge, and smiled on Noah's ark just as he lately glanced down upon me, and brought comfort and promise of a new world that was to spring forth from the old.

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