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I smiled, for his appearance, so rotund and yet so startled, could never fail to excite a smile, and then as I came nearer I noticed that he seemed singularly disconsolate.


" Disconsolate, Soapy ceased his unavailing racket.

伊索寓言:The Mule

" On the next day, being driven a long journey, and feeling very weary, he exclaimed in a disconsolate tone: "I must have made a mistake; my father, after all, could have been only an ass.

安徒生童话英文版:The Child in the Grave

The coffin was carried to the grave, and the disconsolate mother sat with her young daughters.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Fifteenth Evening

On the day of the funeral, Harlequin was not required to show himself on the boards, for he was a disconsolate widower.

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