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But he not only dreaded the effect of such extremities on their mutual life—he had a growing dread of Rosamond's quiet elusive obstinacy, which would not allow any assertion of power to be final; and again, she had touched him in a spot of keenest feeling by implying that she had been deluded with a false vision of happiness in marrying him.


Catherine dared not doubt beyond her own country, and even of that, if hard pressed, would have yielded the northern and western extremities.


One other way which dogs keep cool though, is by excreting a substance similar to sweat on their extremities – namely, their nose and paws.


They're using trees and better management of the lakes and river to moderate the extremities of the climate, he says.


During the day as you sit, your lower extremities retain fluid -- you can thank gravity for that.


The researchers said: 'Gold is probably toxic to plants and is moved to extremities, such as leaves in order to reduce deleterious biochemical reactions.

安徒生童话英文版:In the Nursery

"'I am driven to extremities!

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